I recently did a unit on story elements, and I based my lessons on one found on the web. Sorry, I can't remember the site. Just google Story Stew and you'll get many different lesson plans for every grade K-12. The lesson that I based my lessons on required the use of an actual cooking pot. Well, instead of buying a pot or dragging one from home, I decided to make one from poster board. It's not perfect, but the kids went crazy for it. I also created a song for each story element and a dance to go along with each one. I'm all about the TPR (Total Physical Response) and differentiating lessons. This was one of my most successful lessons.
Additionally, my directing teacher was doing Informational Writing using Pigs as the subject. She asked me to draw a pig on the board that the students could also successfully recreate. I used several circle and bam! a pig. The kids recreated it and added their own unique techniques.
Most recently, I am celebrating the completion of my word wall posters created from scratch with poster board, markers, blood, sweat and tears. Please admire the pix below.
I only hope that I can find an excuse to sew (:
Kim, great ideas for the litte ones...
Thanks Doris :)
Very cute! My mind just doesn't even work like that. :)
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